Things which cannot be changed:
enum CellLocation{TOP_LEFT,TOP_CENTER,TOP_RIGHT,CENTRE_LEFT, .. and so on}
A gameboard interface, which only contain one method:
CellState getCellState(CellLocation cellLocation);
A Consultant interface, which also contain one method:
CellLocation suggest(GameBoard gameBoard);
My job is to create a class which implements the consultant interface and overwrite the given suggest method(the method also have to decide which player is the next -> the Cellocation output must have EMPTY state )
So, my problem is that I am not sure how to start. I was thinking about to create a temporary map inside the suggest method, and fill all the data, like this:
HashMap<CellLocation, CellState> temporaryBoard = new HashMap<>();
so I can easily operate with it. I am not sure that I should make a temporary gameboard for myself or not.
Any idea would be appreciated.
It is not totally clear from the question, but if the implementation is required to suggest a best possible move, this can be done with the Minimax algorithm, which aims at performing a possible move (thus creating a board with less possible moves for the other player) and recusively searches the game tree until a leaf is found. A leaf is then conceptually assigned a value of 1
(victory of player one), 0
(draw game) or -1
(victory of player two). For a non-leaf node, the value of a certain move is the maximum (or minimum, depending on which player's move it is) of its values. This definition is evaluated recursively; the algorithm would then suggest a move with maximum or minimum value.