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iterate through all rows/columns openpyxl not working anymore with new version >2.3.5

with the version 2.3.5 of openpyxl this code works:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

excel_file = load_workbook(excel_file_path,read_only=True)

sheet = excel_file["Sheet1"]

    mylist = []
    for row in sheet:
        for cell in row:
            mylist.append((cell.value, cell.row, cell.column))

i did this so i can process my large excel file faster. but with the new version since 2.4.x this doesnt work anymore, the first "for-loop" breaks immediately, what has changed in the version ? or how can i do the same with the latest version of openpyxl ?


  • This seems to be happening only when you have the read_only parameter set to True when loading your workbook. My workaround has been to use the max_row attribute of the sheet to create a range of values to loop through as row indices:

    from openpyxl import load_workbook
    excel_file = load_workbook(excel_file_path,read_only=True)
    sheet = excel_file["Sheet1"]
    mylist = []
    row_num = sheet.max_row
    for row_index in range(1,row_num):
        for cell in sheet[row_index]:
            mylist.append((cell.value, cell.row, cell.column))

    Hopefully @CharlieClark can shed some light on this. But in the meantime, I hope this is helpful.