I have created an application that searches a directory and loads all of the usercontrols into the form and then uses a "GetResult()" method to grab the answers from the form. I did not do this OOP style because I am still learning how to fully utilize OOP and I am now going back to design it with OOP so I can move onto the next part which will be a lot easier if I was working with objects. Right now I have created my "RequestForm" class and I want RequestForm.Result to reach into the UC and call the GetResults() method. I am having a difficult time getting it to do this though due to my lack of knowledge perhaps someone can point me in the right direction.
FormUserControl - Abstract Class
namespace AccessRequest
public abstract class FormUserControl : UserControl
public abstract string Name();
public abstract string GetResults();
public abstract string EmailUsers();
RequestForm - Object Class
namespace AccessRequest
public class RequestForm
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ControlID { get; set; }
public string StepName { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public string Results {
//How would I pull my usercontrol results with Control.GetReults() from within this area?
//I have since then turned this into a method. How would I get it to access my UserControl loaded on the asp page to grab the results?
public string Emails { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
public RequestForm()
/// <summary>
/// FormResults gathers all needed information about the forms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formName">Name of the Form</param>
/// <param name="formControlID">ID of the User Control </param>
/// <param name="wizardStepID">ID of the Wizard Step</param>
/// <param name="formFilePath">File path of the physical form</param>
/// <param name="formResults">Results from the form</param>
/// <param name="formEmails">Other emails to include</param>
public RequestForm(string formName, string formControlId, string wizardStepID, int wizardStepPosition, string formFilePath, string formResults, string formEmails)
this.Name = formName;
this.ControlID = formControlId;
this.StepName = wizardStepID;
this.Position = wizardStepPosition;
this.FilePath = formFilePath;
this.Results = formResults;
this.Emails = formEmails;
this.Visible = false;
public void SaveList(List<RequestForm> formList)
// HttpContext.Current.Session["FormList"] = formList;
Here is the LoadForms() method I put in OnInit to load all of my forms, I have not fully implemented the RequestForm piece but this is where I believe it should go to builder my object list.
private void LoadForms()
string dotColor = "Black";
string formColor = "#808080";
int loc = 3;
foreach (ListItem item in chklApplications.Items)
string formPath = (string)item.Value;
WizardStepBase newStep = new WizardStep();
newStep.ID = "wzStep" + item.Text;
newStep.Title = String.Format("<font color='{0}'> ¤</font> <font color='{1}'>{2} Request</font>", dotColor, formColor, item.Text);
var form = LoadControl(formPath);
form.ID = "uc" + item.Text;
wzAccessRequest.WizardSteps.AddAt(loc, newStep);
requestForm.Add(new RequestForm(
item.Text, //Form name
form.ID.ToString(), //User Control ID
newStep.ID.ToString(), //Wizardstep ID
loc, //Wizardstep Position
item.Value.ToString(), //File Path
null, //Form Results
null //Form Emails
Here is where I set whether they are visible or not in my side menu of the Wizard Control. BTW, does anyone know how I can prevent it from even creating the table tags for this? Right now it is growing a large space where I am inserting the forms.
protected void SideBarList_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
if (!ShowWizardStep(e.Item.DataItem))
e.Item.CssClass = "Hidden";
Thanks for any advise I receive!! :D
Ok, so I figured this out. I already had a method that would gather all the results from the form and then spit them out on the verification screen. I manipulated that code so that now it loads them directly into the object I was working with. Now my objects are full of all the dynamic information I need for my controls and I can manage them a lot easier. Here is the code in case anyone else is looking for the answer.
public class RequestForm
public string Name { get; set; }
public string ControlID { get; set; }
public string StepID { get; set; }
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public string Emails { get; set; }
public string Results { get; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// FormResults gathers all needed information about the forms
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formName">Name of the Form</param>
/// <param name="formControlID">ID of the User Control </param>
/// <param name="wizardStepID">ID of the Wizard Step</param>
/// <param name="formFilePath">File path of the physical form</param>
/// <param name="formResults">Results from the form</param>
/// <param name="formEmails">Other emails to include</param>
public RequestForm(string formName, string formControlId, string wizardStepID, int wizardStepPosition, string formFilePath, string formEmails,string formResults, bool formVisible = false)
this.Name = formName;
this.ControlID = formControlId;
this.StepID = wizardStepID;
this.Position = wizardStepPosition;
this.FilePath = formFilePath;
this.Emails = formEmails;
this.Results = formResults;
this.Visible = formVisible;
This list that holds all of the controls
public List<RequestForm> requestForm
List<RequestForm> requestList = new List<RequestForm>();
requestList = (List<RequestForm>)Session["RequestForms"];
var v = Session["RequestForms"];
return v != null ? (List<RequestForm>)v : null;
Session["RequestForms"] = value;
This is the method that I use to gather the results and then put them into the object.
private void GatherFormsData()
if (requestForm != null)
foreach (RequestForm rform in requestForm)
if (rform.Visible)
WizardStepBase step = (WizardStep)wzAccessRequest.FindControl(rform.StepID);
FormUserControl form = (FormUserControl)step.FindControl(rform.ControlID);
rform.Results = String.Format("{0}<br>Email: {1}<br><br>", form.GetResults(), form.EmailContact());
Hope this helps someone.