I want to initialize a globle variable "$rootScope.SegmentSelectedGlobal" at the starting of application only. This globle variable get data from a service. If i execute service through controller, its working fine. But when i execute it from App.run, no value is being assinged an d no error is being reported.
Here is the code:
App.run :
app.run(['$rootScope','DashboardService', function($rootScope,DashboardService) {
$rootScope.SegmentSelectedGlobal = DashboardService.getSegments();
Service :
var allSegements = [];
return {
// For selected Only
getSegments : getSegments
function getSegments(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: "/getAllSegments",
method: "GET"
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
allSegements = data;
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
//logger.logError('Error while retrieving Versions details');
allSegements = null;
return allSegements;
Thanx for your help.
It returns undefined
because at return allSegements
is undefined.
Your using a promise, yet your forgot to return it properly
var allSegements = [];
return {
// For selected Only
getSegments : getSegments
function getSegments(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
url: "/getAllSegments",
method: "GET"
}).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
allSegements = data;
}).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
//logger.logError('Error while retrieving Versions details');
deferred.reject();//--------- REJECT IF ERROR
return deferred.promise;//------- RETURN THE PROMISE
app.run(['$rootScope','DashboardService',function($rootScope,DashboardService) {
// use then to get the data from your promise ince it's ready
$rootScope.SegmentSelectedGlobal = data;
Note if you want to wait for the promised to be resolved before loading your page, use the resolve
attribute (available in both ngRoute/ui-router) :
segments:['DashboardService', function(DashboardService){
return DashboardService.getSegments();//we return the promise, the resolve parameter will take the result, in case of error page won't be loaded.