I am receiving some strings in this format:
To extract the different numbers, I usually use these regex patterns, which return the shown output:
public static string ParseTelephoneNumber(string rawInput)
var temp = Regex.Replace(rawInput, ";.*", "");
return Regex.Replace(temp, ".*:", "");
public static string ParseExtension(string rawInput)
return Regex.Replace(rawInput, ".*=", "");
This seems to work fine in both Visual Studio 2012
and Visual Studio 2015
However, if this code runs in VS 2012
as part of the code for an InfoPath 2013
form, I see these results:
What is the reason for this? Does InfoPath
use a different engine for calculating regular expressions?
Is your original string immutable in InfoPath
I assume not, that is why you are seeing this behavior,
If not are you sure InfoPath is passing the string in the same format to your C# code
Else can you try something like below ?
public static Tuple<string, string> ParseTelephoneAndExtension(string rawInput)
var match = Regex.Match(rawInput, @"tel:(\+\d+);ext=(\d+)");
if (match.Success)
return new Tuple<string, string>(match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value);
return new Tuple<string, string>(null, null);
Also regex is not VS dependent, it is more of a .NET engine. As long as you send the string in the same format, you should get the same output.