In javascript (ES6), I have a utility module which just contains some functions, and then in the end of the file, I export them like so:
module.exports = {
Then I want to write unit tests for those functions. Some of the functions depend on each other; they call each other in a way, that for example, someFunction1 might call someFunction2. There's no circular problems.
Everything works well, until I need to spy that one of the functions is called. How can I do it? Currently I'm using Chai and Sinon.
In the test file, I have imported the whole file as a module:
const wholeModule = require('path/to/the/js/file')
And finally, my test looks like following:
it('should call the someFunction2', (done) => {
const spy = sinon.spy(wholeModule, 'someFunction2')
wholeModule.someFunction1() // someFunction2 is called inside someFunction1
assert(spy.calledOnce, 'someFunction2 should be called once')
The problem is, that the test fails, because in someFunction1, the someFunction2 function is used directly. I apply the spy to the module object's function. But that's a different object. Here's an example of the someFunction1:
function someFunction1() {
return 2;
I know the reason why it won't work, but I don't know what would be the best practise in this case to make it work? Please help!
You can use rewire module. Here is an example:
Source code:
function someFunction1() {
console.log('someFunction1 called')
function someFunction2() {
console.log('someFunction2 called')
module.exports = {
someFunction1: someFunction1,
someFunction2: someFunction2
Test case:
'use strict';
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var rewire = require('rewire');
var sinon = require('sinon');
var funcs = rewire('../lib/someFunctions');
it('should call the someFunction2', () => {
var someFunction2Stub = sinon.stub();
someFunction2: someFunction2Stub,