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What is the difference of SelectList and Projection in Nhibernate?

As the title says.

(To me it looks like SelectList is a way to create projections without using the Projections method.)


  • I would say that full explanation is in the doc:

    QueryOver allows arbitrary IProjection to be added (allowing private properties to be projected). The Projections factory class also has overloads to allow Lambda Expressions to be used:

    IList selection =
                .Add(Projections.Property<Cat>(c => c.Name))
                .Add(Projections.Avg<Cat>(c => c.Age)))

    In addition there is an inline syntax for creating projection lists that does not require the explicit class qualification:

    IList selection =
            .SelectList(list => list
                .Select(c => c.Name)
                .SelectAvg(c => c.Age))

    see Check 16.6. Projections