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How to change the text color of rightBarButtonItem of AdobeUXImageEditorViewController

When AdobeUXImageEditorViewController is launched, the text color of rightBarButtonItem "Done" is always blue, please check the attached image. How can I change the text color to white? Please check the following code of how did I try to set the color.

editorViewController = AdobeUXImageEditorViewController(image: image)
editorViewController!.delegate = self
presentViewController(editorViewController!, animated: true) {
    [weak self] in
    guard let strongSelf = self else {return}
    strongSelf.editorViewController!.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem!.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

phone screenshot

Best Regards, Haibin


  • I have found the solution, the color of image SDK can be customized by ImageSDKCostomizer, this is an application on MAC which is released together with image SDK.

    enter image description here