I'm having trouble with subscribing to the DoubleClick
event for a dynamically created ToolStripStatusLabel
In my code I create a series of ToolStripStatusLabel
items inside a StatusStrip
, and subscribe to its DoubleClick
event, but it looks like it never rises
private void InitStatusBar()
foreach (CardReader cardReader in appConfig.CardReadersList)
System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel cardReaderStatusLabel = new ToolStripStatusLabel();
cardReaderStatusLabel.Name = cardReader.Description;
cardReaderStatusLabel.Tag = cardReader;
cardReaderStatusLabel.Text = cardReader.Description.ToUpper();
cardReaderStatusLabel.Image = cardReader.DeviceInfo.GetIconImage();
cardReaderStatusLabel.DoubleClick += new System.EventHandler(this.cardReaderStatusLabel_DoubleClick);
private void cardReaderStatusLabel_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripStatusLabel clickedToolStripLabel = (ToolStripStatusLabel)sender;
CardReader taggedCardReader = (CardReader)clickedToolStripLabel.Tag;
MessageBox.Show("Lector: " + taggedCardReader.Description + Environment.NewLine + "Status: " + taggedCardReader.DeviceInfo.CardReaderStatusString);
The StatusStrip
is correctly initialized (the status labels are added and shown in the status strip) but when I double click on them, nothing happens :(
Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks :)
You should set DoubleClickEnabled
property for those items to true
, then you can handle DoubleClick
event for your ToolStripItem
handles double click in its own internal method HandleMouseUp
. In the method it checks DoubleClickEnabled
property and based on the ticks between the mouse up and last click, decide if it should raise double click event.