When i run the code the chart disappears
var d1=${views};
var d2=${comoneviews};
var d3=${comtwoviews};
var plot1 = $.jqplot('piechart', [[['Your Organisation',d1],['Competitor#1',d2],['Competitor#2',d3]]], {
gridPadding: {top:0, bottom:38, left:0, right:0},
trendline:{ show:false },
rendererOptions: { padding: 7, showDataLabels: true , dataLabels: 'value'}
placement: 'outside',
rendererOptions: {
numberRows: 1
marginTop: '15px'
the input values i am getting for d1 is 20700000 , d2 is 2300000, and d3 is 3040000. So does the chart does not appear because of higher values?
Per your comment, you just need to refer to the d1,d2 and d3 array values correctly. As you've mentioned, you are getting them as arrays - so the problem must be with your access to the actual values.
Access them as d1[0]
(assuming you have a one sized array like you wrote)
var d1=[20700000];
var d2=[2300000];
var d3=[3040000];
var plot1 = $.jqplot('piechart', [[['Your Organisation',d1[0]],
['Competitor#1',d2[0]],['Competitor#2',d3[0]]]], {
...rest of plot code...
here is a working example with d1-d3 modified to arrays.