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How to return javascript code result to the polymer custom element's <template>?


I took the answer that @akc42 posted below and I added var self = this; before getViews function definition and changed this to self in code (and added self to the ytr like that 100 / self.ytr as well)


I'm trying to get view count from my youtube channel. All I want to do is to return calculated results back to the <p id="views"></p> and <p id="youtubeRequest"></p>.

I have this code:

      <p id="views" style="display:inline; ">100/Amount of views:</p>
      <p id="youtubeRequest" style="display:inline">Amount of views:</p>

     is: 'my-view1',

     ready: function()
       function getViews(params) {
           url: "",
           jsonp: "callback",
           dataType: "jsonp",
           success: function(response) {
             this.ytr = this.$.youtubeRequest.innerHTML = response.items[0].statistics.viewCount;
             var ytr2 = this.$.views.innerHTML = 100 / ytr;
             this.ytr3 = ytr2.toPrecision(1);

I'm using this.$.id instead of document.getElementById("youtubeRequest") since it is only used for accessing items outside of a Polymer element.

I need to bind calculated values to corresponding <p> tags


  • Your code above shows a closing </dom-module> but not the beginning. Are you trying to define a Polymer element.

    If so you just use databinding. You can also use to do the ajax call, but lets get the other bit working first. Something like this

    <dom-module id="my-view1">
          <p id="views" style="display:inline; ">Amount of views: [[ytr]]</p>
          <p id="youtubeRequest" style="display:inline">[[ytr3]]</p>
         is: 'my-view1',
        properties: {
            ytr: {
                type: Number,
                value: 0
            ytr3: {
                type: Number,
                value: 0
         ready: function()
           function getViews(params) {
               url: "",
               jsonp: "callback",
               dataType: "jsonp",
               success: function(response) {
                 this. ytr = this.$.youtubeRequest.innerHTML = response.items[0].statistics.viewCount;
                 var ytr2 = this.$.views.innerHTML = 100 / ytr;
                 this.ytr3 = ytr2.toPrecision(1);