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Rx-Java: Creating a configurable Observable

I'm new to RxJava, and I am wondering how I can create a configurable Observable? Let's imagine I could write a DB-to-DB transfer like this:


I can already do that with the Subscriber, but how can I get some small configuration in the same fashion to the Observable itself?


  • Maybe I found an acceptable way around this. It seems that what I need to do here is a double-binding outside of the Observable instantiation itself. E.g. I need a DbObservable and DbOnSubscribe pair which is counting on each other, something like this:

    DbObservable class:

    public class DbObservable<T> extends Observable<T> {
        //Some parameter
        private String sql;
        protected DbObservable(DbOnSubscribe<T> onSub) {
        //Getter for DbOnSubscribe
        public String getSql() {
            return sql;
        //Chain parameter modifier
        public DbObservable<T> sql(String sql) {
            this.sql = sql;
            return this;

    DbOnSubscribe class:

    public class DbOnSubscribe<T> implements Observable.OnSubscribe<T> {
        private DbObservable<T> dbObservable;
        public void call(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {
            String sql = dbObservable.getSql(); //Access SQL param
            subscriber.onNext( (T) sql ); //Use subscriber
        //Set back-reference
        public void setDbObservable(DbObservable<T> dbObservable) {
            this.dbObservable = dbObservable;

    And finally our assumed DbConnector class:

    public class DbConnector {
        public DbObservable<String> getObservable() {
            DbOnSubscribe<String> onSub = new DbOnSubscribe<String>();
            DbObservable<String> obs = new DbObservable<>(onSub);
            return obs;

    So when I try it out ...

    public class DbObservableTest {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            DbConnector srcDb = new DbConnector();
                    .sql("some SQL")

    ... it really works! It prints out the "some SQL".


    1. If you want to be super-clean and don't mind one or 2 extra lines of code, go for a builder as proposed by Joel and Tassos Bassoukos.
    2. If you're not afraid of a little bit more complicated code (which should be always encapsulated somewhere) and you really want those parameters to be inside your own Observable, you can try the double-binding way
    3. Any more options?