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How to use moment-timezone in Angular2 via SystemJs

I'm using Angular2 via angular2-seed (which uses SystemJS) and trying to load moment-timezone and use specifically.

I import via:

import * as moment from 'moment-timezone';

When I do this I get the following error in my browser:

GET /node_modules/moment-timezone/data/packed/latest.json.js 404 (Not Found)

anuglar2-seed uses defaultJSExtensions which I think is why the incorrect .js is being added, so I figured I could just turn this off for moment-timezone in tools/config/project.config.ts like so:

this.SYSTEM_BUILDER_CONFIG.packages['moment-timezone'] = {
  defaultExtension: false

//I have also tried:
      map: {
        '/node_modules/moment-timezone/data/packed/latest.json.js': '/node_modules/moment-timezone/data/packed/latest.json',
        '/node_modules/moment-timezone/data/packed/latest.json': '/node_modules/moment-timezone/data/packed/latest.json'

However, this is not working. What am I doing wrong?


  • The problem is, unless you tell SystemJS that you want to use the moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.min.js file it will by default load moment/index.js which does a require of the tz data.

    Here are the steps to configure and use correctly:

    npm install moment moment-timezone --save and npm install @types/moment @types/moment-timezone --save-dev

    In my component I do import * as moment from 'moment-timezone';.

    You configure SystemJS like:

    packages: {
          'moment-timezone': {
            main: 'builds/moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.min.js',
            defaultExtension: 'js'

    You can then use console.log(;

    For angular2-seed you do this:


     constructor() {
        this.NPM_DEPENDENCIES = [
          {src: 'moment', inject: 'libs'},
          {src: 'moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.min.js', inject: 'libs'},
        const mtzc = {
          main: 'builds/moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020.min.js',
          defaultExtension: 'js'
        this.SYSTEM_BUILDER_CONFIG.packages['moment-timezone'] = mtzc;
        this.SYSTEM_CONFIG_DEV.packages['moment-timezone'] = mtzc;