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Pong Ball Leaving Padel

I am making Pong in Java right now using Eclipse. I am trying to get the balls to bounce off the padels proportionally to where they hit the padel. If they hit at the top or bottom, I would like them to bounce off at 75 degrees up at the top or 75 degrees down at the bottom. If they hit near the center, then I would like them to bounce off closer to horizontal.

I am calculating the angle in the ball class with this math:

 double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
 yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
 double angle = multiplier * yPos;
 double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
 xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
 ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));

I think that it should be correct, but the balls don't behave like I expect them to. I was wondering if anyone can help me solve this problem.

package Pong;

/*Place cursor here to start

//Import Libraries
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class Pong extends JPanel implements KeyListener{

//Create random instances
Random r2 =new Random();

public final static int padelStart = 150;
public final static int padelSpace = 10;

final static int BOX_WIDTH = 1200;
public final static int BOX_HEIGHT = 800;

double ballX = BOX_WIDTH/2;
double ballY = BOX_HEIGHT/2;

public static Padel padel1 = new Padel(padelSpace,padelStart,true);
public static Padel padel2 = new Padel(BOX_WIDTH-padelSpace-padel1.getWidth(),padelStart,false);

Ball ball1 = new Ball(ballX,ballY);
Ball ball2 = new Ball(300,300);

public static int padel1y1;
public static int padel1y2;
public static int padel2y1;
public static int padel2y2;

public final static int UPDATE_RATE = 200;

//Main game class
public Pong () {

    //Set window size
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(BOX_WIDTH,BOX_HEIGHT));

    //Start game thread
    Thread gameThread = new Thread() {

        public void run(){


                //Draw objects

                padel1y1 = padel1.getY();
                padel1y2 = padel1.getY() + Padel.padelLength;
                padel2y1 = padel2.getY();
                padel2y2 = padel2.getY() + Padel.padelLength;



                try {Thread.sleep(1000 / UPDATE_RATE);} 
                catch (InterruptedException ex) {}






public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {





public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){

    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){padel2.setSpeed(-Padel.padelSpeed);}
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){padel2.setSpeed(Padel.padelSpeed);}

    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W){padel1.setSpeed(-Padel.padelSpeed);}
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S){padel1.setSpeed(Padel.padelSpeed);}


public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){padel2.setSpeed(0);}
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){padel2.setSpeed(0);}

    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W){padel1.setSpeed(0);}
    if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S){padel1.setSpeed(0);}


public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}

public static void main(String[] args) {

    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

            //Create Frame
            Pong pong = new Pong();





Padel Class:

package Pong;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class Padel {

public int y;
public int x;

public boolean ws;

public int speed = 0;

public final static int padelSpeed = 3;
public final static int padelWidth = 30;
public final static int padelLength = 200;

Random rng = new Random();

int r = rng.nextInt(256);
int g = rng.nextInt(256);
int b = rng.nextInt(256);

Color color = new Color(r,g,b);

public Padel(int xPos, int yPos, boolean wands){

    y = yPos;
    x = xPos;

    ws = wands;


public void update(){

    if(speed > 0 && y + padelLength < Pong.BOX_HEIGHT){

        y = y + speed;


    if(speed < 0 && y > 0){

        y = y + speed;



public void draw(Graphics g) {

    g.fillRoundRect(x, y, padelWidth, padelLength, 25, 25);


public int getX(){

    return x;


public int getY(){

    return y;


public int getWidth(){

    return padelWidth;


public int getLength(){

    return padelLength;


public int getSpeed(){

    return speed;


public void setSpeed(int speed1){

    speed = speed1;


public int getPadelSpeed(){

    return padelSpeed;



Ball Class:

package Pong;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;

public class Ball {

Random rng = new Random();

int r = rng.nextInt(256);
int g = rng.nextInt(256);
int b = rng.nextInt(256);

Color color = new Color(r,g,b);

public final static double ballSpeedMin = -2.0;
public final static double ballSpeedMax = 2.0;
public final static double middleSpeedCutoff = 1.0;

public final static double ballIncrease = .2;

public final int ballRadiusMin = 10;
public final int ballRadiusMax = 40;

double x;
double y;

double xSpeed;
double ySpeed;

int ballRadius;

public Ball(double xPos,double yPos){

    x = xPos;
    y = yPos;

    xSpeed = getRandomSpeed();
    ySpeed = getRandomSpeed();

    ballRadius = getRandomRadius();


public double getRandomSpeed(){

    Random r =new Random();

    return ballSpeedMin + (ballSpeedMax - ballSpeedMin) * r.nextDouble();


public int getRandomRadius(){

    Random r = new Random();

    return r.nextInt((ballRadiusMax - ballRadiusMin) + 1) +    ballRadiusMin;


public void update(){

    x = x + xSpeed;
    y = y + ySpeed;

    ySpeed = verticalBounce();

    double multiplier = .75;

    if(getLowX() < Pong.padelSpace + Padel.padelWidth){

        if(y>=Pong.padel1y1 && y<=Pong.padel1y2){

            double yPos = y - Pong.padel1y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);

                double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
                yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
                double angle = multiplier * yPos;
                double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
                xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
                ySpeed = -Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));

            else if(yPos>0){
                double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
                yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
                double angle = multiplier * yPos;
                double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
                xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
                ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));

                double speed = getSpeed();

                xSpeed = speed;
                ySpeed = 0;







    if(getHighX() > Pong.BOX_WIDTH - Pong.padelSpace - Padel.padelWidth){

        if(y>Pong.padel2y1 && y<Pong.padel2y2){

            double yPos = y - Pong.padel2y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);

                double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
                yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
                double angle = multiplier * yPos;
                double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
                xSpeed = - ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
                ySpeed = -Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));

            else if(yPos>0){
                double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
                yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
                double angle = multiplier * yPos;
                double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
                xSpeed = - ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
                ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));

                double speed = getSpeed();

                xSpeed = -speed;
                ySpeed = 0;








public void draw(Graphics g) {


    int xPos = (int) Math.round(x) - ballRadius;
    int yPos = (int) Math.round(y) - ballRadius;



public double verticalBounce(){

    if(y - ballRadius<0 || y + ballRadius > Pong.BOX_HEIGHT){

        return -ySpeed;



        return ySpeed;


public double getY(){

    return y;


public double getX(){

    return x;


public double getYSpeed(){

    return ySpeed;


public double getXSpeed(){

    return xSpeed;


public void setYSpeed(double y){

    ySpeed = y;


public void setXSpeed(double x){

    xSpeed = x;


public double getLowX(){

    return x - ballRadius;


public double getLowY(){

    return y - ballRadius;


public double getHighX(){

    return x + ballRadius;


public double getHighY(){

    return y + ballRadius;


public double getSpeed(){

    return Math.sqrt((xSpeed*xSpeed)+(ySpeed*ySpeed));




  •     double multiplier = .75;
               double yPos = y - Pong.padel1y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);
               double angle = multiplier * yPos;

    Are you aware that the angles you pass in trigonometric functions are expressed in radians?
    Assuming your paddle length is 20, with yPos varying between [-10, 10] your angle will vary between [-7.5, 7.5]. Translate this in radians and you'll see your angle rotates around the circle a bit more than 2 times. Is really this what you want?