I just recently began using Unity3D and this is my first game, so if I'm not doing things like I'm supposed to, please tell me.
There is a 2D character that I want to move one step forward using the Animation mechanism. This movement can be splitted in two parts :
My problème is that I can't find a way to make this step permanent. As soon as it start looping on the "Idle" animation, then, it come back to the original position (before the step).
I don't know how to let my character stay in the position it was just between the "Step Forward" animation and the "Idle" animation.
I tried to add "Rigidbody 2D", "Box Collider 2D" and "Physics2D Material" on both feet and on the floor, but it somewhat breaks the IK script ("Simple CCD", from the youtube video "Unite 2014 - 2D Best Practices In Unity"). And I'm sure there is a much simpler way.
EDIT: My question was not clear enough. The idle animation is the default animation, where the character is doing nothing in particular. It's just moving a little while it's staying in position. When it runs "Step Forward", all the sprites are moved (only when the back leg is pushing). If all animations are stopped right now, then the character is indeed in a new position, closer to it's opponent. I can check that by removing the transition from "Step Forward" to "Idle". But from here, I want it to loop on the Idle animation. When the transition from "Step forward" to "Idle" is done, the character is NOT running Idle from it's new position, but from it's old position, before the step, as if it was pulled from backward. I want to run Idle from the new position.
Here is a longer gif when we can see more of the Idle animation :
And my Hierarchy panel looks like :
Any suggestion is welcome.
If I get it right, you have the StepForward animation running and it gets cut in the middle back to idle. There, the StepForward animation triggers again but from the start and you wish to restart from where you left off:
You can record the normalized value of your StepForward animation and use it next time:
float normValue = this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime;
then you can use that value:
this.animator.Play("StepForward", 0, normValue);
Other possibility, you are not after that but simply you want to pause the animation without getting to Idle.
Use a parameter. You can add a float parameter (call it direction) in the Animator window (top left). Then select a state in the animator, it will open the animation setting in the inspector. Under speed, open the drop down where your new parameter should show up. And tick it.
Now, your direction float will affect the speed of your animation as such:
this.animator.SetFloat("direction", value);
if you give 0, you pause. Give back 1 to move forward. You can also lerp the value so it is not abrupt. Your way.