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Modular exponentation in C

Help! I need to implement a C program (using only string, stdlib, and stdio libraries) which use modular exponentiation of really big numbers, some of them is 260 digits. I'm thinking of using a linked list but I cannot find a good reference on how to implement it.I need this because I need to use RSA to encrypt and decrypt a message.

Also, I have the exact same problem in getting the GCD of two very large numbers. Is there any way I can do this?


  • How to store large numbers? You can use this type of storing data witch one helps you to use a small amount of memory and for operations will be much faster than anything else because you can make them directley on bits and you ca use the special formulas : For add Irecomand you to check the overflow ;

    multiply (x=x*y):

    function modular_pow(base, exponent, modulus)
    if modulus = 1 then return 0
    Assert :: (modulus - 1) * (modulus - 1) does not overflow base
    result = 1
    base = base mod modulus
    while exponent > 0
        if (last_bit(exponent)==1):
           result = (result * base) mod modulus
        exponent = exponent >> 1
        base = (base * base) mod modulus
    return result