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how to add average rasters within for-loop that creates the rasters? R

I have several directories with 700+ binary encoded rasters that i take average the output rasters per directory. however, i currently create the rasters 1 by 1 in a for loop, then load newly created rasters back into R to take the sum to obtain the monthly rainfall total.

However, since I dont need the individual rasters, only the average raster, I have a hunch that I could do this all w/in 1 loop and not save the rasters but just the output average raster, but I am coming up short in how to program this in R.


dir.output <- '~/Desktop/CMORPH/Levant-Clip/200001' ### change as needed to give output location
path <- list.files("~/Desktop/CMORPH/MonthlyCMORPH/200001",pattern="*.bz2", full.names=T, recursive=T)

for (i in 1:length(path)) {
  files = bzfile(path[i], "rb")
  data <- readBin(files,what="double",endian = "little", n = 4948*1649, size=4) #Mode of the vector to be read
  data[data == -999] <- NA #covert missing data from -999(CMORPH notation) to NAs
  y<-matrix((data=data), ncol=1649, nrow=4948)
  r <- raster(y)
  e <- extent(-180, 180, -90, 83.6236) ### choose the extent based on the netcdf file info 
  tr <- t(r) #transpose 
  re <- setExtent(tr,extent(e)) ### set the extent to the raster
  ry <- flip(re, direction = 'y')
  projection(ry) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
  C_Lev <- crop(ry, Levant) ### Clip to Levant
  M_C_Lev<-mask(C_Lev, Levant)
  writeRaster(M_C_Lev, paste(dir.output, basename(path[i]), sep = ''), format = 'GTiff', overwrite = T) ###the basename allows the file to be named the same as the original
raspath <- list.files ('~/Desktop/CMORPH/Levant-Clip/200001',pattern="*.tif",     full.names=T, recursive=T)
rasstk <- stack(raspath)
writeRaster(avg200001, paste(dir.output, basename(path[i]), sep = ''), format = 'GTiff', overwrite = T) ###the basename allows the file to be named the same as the original

currently, this code takes about 75 mins to execute, and I have about 120 more directories to go, and am looking for faster solutions.

thank you for all and any comments and input. best, evan


  • Elaborating on my previous comment, you could try:

    dir.output <- '~/Desktop/CMORPH/Levant-Clip/200001' ### change as needed to give output location
    path <- list.files("~/Desktop/CMORPH/MonthlyCMORPH/200001",pattern="*.bz2", full.names=T, recursive=T)
    raster_list = list()
    for (i in 1:length(path)) {
      files = bzfile(path[i], "rb")
      data <- readBin(files,what="double",endian = "little", n = 4948*1649, size=4) #Mode of the vector to be read
      data[data == -999] <- NA #covert missing data from -999(CMORPH notation) to NAs
      y<-matrix((data=data), ncol=1649, nrow=4948)
      r <- raster(y)
      if (i == 1) {
        e <- extent(-180, 180, -90, 83.6236) ### choose the extent based on the netcdf file info 
      tr <- t(r) #transpose 
      re <- setExtent(tr,extent(e)) ### set the extent to the raster
      ry <- flip(re, direction = 'y')
      projection(ry) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
      C_Lev <- crop(ry, Levant) ### Clip to Levant
      M_C_Lev<-mask(C_Lev, Levant)
      raster_list[[i]] = M_C_Lev
    rasstk <- stack(raster_list, quick = TRUE) # OR rasstk <- brick(raster_list, quick = TRUE)
    writeRaster(avg200001, paste(dir.output, basename(path[i]), sep = ''), format = 'GTiff', overwrite = T) ###the basename allows the file to be named the same as the original

    Using the "quick" options in stack should definitely speed-up things, in particular if you have many rasters.

    Another possibility is to first compute the average, and then perform the "spatial proceesing". For example:

    for (i in 1:length(path)) {
      files = bzfile(path[i], "rb")
      data <- readBin(files,what="double",endian = "little", n = 4948*1649, size=4) #Mode of the vector to be read
      data[data == -999] <- NA #covert missing data from -999(CMORPH notation) to NAs
      if (i == 1) {
       totdata  <-  data 
       num_nonNA <- as.numeric(!
      } else {
    totdata = rowSums(cbind(totdata,data), na.rm = TRUE)
    # We have to count the number of "valid" entries so that the average is correct !
    num_nonNA = rowSums(cbind(num_nonNA,as.numeric(!,na.rm = TRUE)
    avg_data = totdata/num_nonNA # Compute the average
    # Now do the "spatial" processing
    y<-matrix(avg_data, ncol=1649, nrow=4948)
    r <- raster(y)
    e <- extent(-180, 180, -90, 83.6236) ### choose the extent based on the netcdf file info 
    tr <- t(r) #transpose 
    re <- setExtent(tr,extent(e)) ### set the extent to the raster
    ry <- flip(re, direction = 'y')
    projection(ry) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
    C_Lev <- crop(avg_data, Levant) ### Clip to Levant
    M_C_Lev<-mask(C_Lev, Levant)
    writeRaster(M_C_Lev, paste(dir.output, basename(path[i]), sep = ''), format = 'GTiff', overwrite = T) ###the basename allows the file to be named the same as the original

    This could be faster or slower, depending from "how much" you are cropping the original data.

