I already inserted an account through a login form with this data
'submit form': function(event) {
var email = $("[name=email]").val();
var password = $("[name=password]").val();
var username = $("[name=username]").val();
var firstname = $("[name=firstname]").val();
var lastname = $("[name=lastname]").val();
email: email,
password: password,
username: username,
firstname: firstname,
lastname: lastname
And since it's just a prototyping, i want to make sure if the data is already inserted or not by running this command on browser console:
But it only fetch the inserted _id instead all of the data that i've inserted to the collection. Is it some kind of meteor account-password security? if so, how can i look up if all the data that already inserted to the collection.
Thanks in advance.
To check the answer, visit this link: Meteor.user() returns only its _id
And this link contain a good information that helped me solve this problem: http://joshowens.me/the-curious-case-of-the-unknowing-leaky-meteor-security/
I've been busy and haven't check meteorjs for some couple weeks and kinda confused with the new user-accounts package. In case anyone wondering how the user accounts data looks like, this is the user accounts document's reference: http://docs.meteor.com/api/accounts.html#Meteor-user