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What are the rules about self-modifying parse rules in Rebol/Red?

I am looking at self-modifying rules and wondering what exactly the semantics are and how they would work at all. That's a pretty broad question, but I'll use a specific "how would I do this" to turn it into a more focused one. (^(64) being the hex ascii for lowercase "d" so it doesn't get found)

rule: ["a" "b" (insert find rule "^(64)" "c" probe rule) "d" "e"]
parse "abcde" rule

If I run that, I get (in both Rebol and Red):

["a" "b" (insert find rule "d" "c" probe rule) "c" "d" "e"]
== false

The rule seems to have been updated, and it was updated in a fairly "safe-seeming way" (if there is any such thing as safe). There are more evil versions:

rule: ["a" "b" (clear rule probe rule) "d" "e"]
parse "abcde" rule

In both Rebol and Red that gets:

== false

I'm sort of confused how it doesn't crash. But assuming it's been bulletproofed somehow, is there a way to get the first example to work?


  • But assuming it's been bulletproofed somehow...

    In R3-Alpha it hasn't, and if you are unlucky (such as by causing a series expansion) you can crash by doing this. See #2214: "Modifying running PARSE rule leads to execution beyond rule TAIL, possible crash"

    So you should not modify a rule that is currently being processed by PARSE. You can--however--modify a nested rule inside a rule if that rule is not running at that moment:

     subrule: ["c"]
     rule: ["a" (insert subrule "b") subrule]
     parse "abc" rule

    This is formalized in the Ren-C build by locking rules from modification while the parser is traversing them. Another approach for the parser would be to test the length on each fetch in the rule and abort if it was past the length. Though that would prevent crashing, this would lead to complex and dodgy behavior--and degrade performance by paying for the check.

    (For similar reasons, in Ren-C you cannot modify a block currently being executed with DO either. But by modifying a nested parentheses group that isn't running you can accomplish the same workaround as with PARSE above.)

    rule: ["a" "b" (clear rule probe rule) "d" "e"]
    parse "abcde" rule

    I'm sort of confused how it doesn't crash.

    In Rebol's R3-Alpha, this particular case doesn't crash or complain because it doesn't reclaim the memory in the series unless it expands and requires a new allocation. It merely writes a terminator at the head position of the series (overwriting the "a") and adjusts a cached length. PARSE ignores the length and only looks for an END marker. So it kept going until it found the stale old end marker.

    To see that, you could have also tried:

    >> rule: ["a" "b" (clear rule) "c" "d" "e"]
    == ["a" "b" (clear rule) "c" "d" "e"]
    >> parse "abcde" rule
    == true

    You're basically using values that are in garbage memory.