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Fast string parsing in C#

What's the fastest way to parse strings in C#?

Currently I'm just using string indexing (string[index]) and the code runs reasonably, but I can't help but think that the continuous range checking that the index accessor does must be adding something.

So, I'm wondering what techniques I should consider to give it a boost. These are my initial thoughts/questions:

  1. Use methods like string.IndexOf() and IndexOfAny() to find characters of interest. Are these faster than manually scanning a string by string[index]?
  2. Use regex's. Personally, I don't like regex as I find them difficult to maintain, but are these likely to be faster than manually scanning the string?
  3. Use unsafe code and pointers. This would eliminate the index range checking but I've read that unsafe code wont run in untrusted environments. What exactly are the implications of this? Does this mean the whole assembly won't load/run, or will only the code marked unsafe refuse to run? The library could potentially be used in a number of environments, so to be able to fall back to a slower but more compatible mode would be nice.
  4. What else might I consider?

NB: I should say, the strings I'm parsing could be reasonably large (say 30k) and in a custom format for which there is no standard .NET parser. Also, performance of this code is not super critical, so this partly just a theoretical question of curiosity.


  • 30k is not what I would consider to be large. Before getting excited, I would profile. The indexer should be fine for the best balance of flexibility and safety.

    For example, to create a 128k string (and a separate array of the same size), fill it with junk (including the time to handle Random) and sum all the character code-points via the indexer takes... 3ms:

            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            char[] chars = new char[128 * 1024];
            Random rand = new Random(); // fill with junk
            for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) chars[i] =
                 (char) ((int) 'a' + rand.Next(26));
            int sum = 0;
            string s = new string(chars);
            int len = s.Length;
            for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
                sum += (int) chars[i];
            Console.WriteLine(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

    For files that are actually large, a reader approach should be used - StreamReader etc.