I have a sql query like
,C.[total_amount] as AmountDr
,sum(A.total_amount) as AmountCr
FROM invoice_break_up A
left join fee_category B on A.fee_id= B.fee_id
left join invoice_master C on A .invoice_id=C.invoice_id
where A.total_amount>0
group by A.invoice_id,A.fee_id,B.category,C.[inv_number]
i am getting the result as expected like
But i need to get the result as
The result i need to bind to a asp.net gridview. Is there any way for this. Please help.
Use the following to get the required output:
Table name: Table_Group
GroupId - Name
1 - Food
2 - TV
Table name: Table_Product
ProductId - GroupId - ProductName
1 - 1 - Pepsi
2 - 1 - 7up
3 - 1 - Fanta
4 - 2 - Sony
5 - 2 - LG
Table name: Table_Location
LocationId - GroupId - LocationName
1 - 1 - Bangladesh
2 - 2 - China
Finally run the following script: Modified
CASE WHEN t.ProductId = (SELECT TOP 1 ProductId -- Sub query
FROM Table_Product t3
WHERE t3.GroupId = t.GroupId
ORDER BY t3.GroupId) THEN q.LocationName
END AS LocationName,
CASE WHEN t.ProductId = (SELECT TOP 1 t2.ProductId -- Sub query
FROM Table_Product t2
WHERE t2.GroupId = p.GroupId
ORDER BY t2.GroupId) THEN p.Name
END AS Category,
FROM Table_Product t
LEFT JOIN Table_Group p ON p.GroupId = t.GroupId
LEFT JOIN Table_Location q ON q.GroupId = t.GroupId
ORDER BY t.GroupId
The output - Previous: