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What are those broken /webstore/detail/** and /track_install/search/** URLs?

I recently published a Chrome extension (Source Code) and now discover some broken incoming links on the extension's website which must be related to that extension:

  • /track_install/search/ext/free/mebkekakcnabgndiakbbefcgpedlaidp/mixcloud_downloader
  • /webstore/detail/ext/free/mebkekakcnabgndiakbbefcgpedlaidp/mixcloud_downloader

On the chrome extension webstore I don't find such links. Do you have any idea where those links come from and what's their purpose? Would users exepect anything else than a 404 on that URLs?

The website is referenced in the extension's manifest homepage_url field and on the webstore item in the "Websites" field.

Update: I just noticed again one such request where the referer comes from this question.


  • Normally, those URLs are relative to the Webstore and are used for Analytics tracking and this stat page (only available to you). See this mention, for example.

    /track_install/... is, quite obviously, used as a beacon to track installs.

    /webstore/detail/ext/free/... tracks opening your extension's listing in Web Store.

    Here's documentation on homepage_url, which I believe influenced this, including this quote:

    If you distribute your extension using the Chrome Web Store, the homepage URL defaults to the extension's own page.

    I believe that it's either a bug that those are sent out to your server instead, or a feature I haven't seen documented anywhere to let you track those instead. Note that those are just beacons sent from analytics code; you don't need to serve content on them.

    In any case, it's worth reporting, either on the bugtracker or via the exceptionally well-hidden developer support form.