I'm using ZK and found some strange behavior. The code:
@Listen("onClick = button#load")
public void load() {
int result = Messagebox.show("Are you sure to execute Load?", "Execute?",
Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO, Messagebox.QUESTION);
log.debug("Result: {}", result);
if (result == Messagebox.YES) {
(new Thread(new Job("Load"))).start();
message.setValue("Job " + "Load " + " is Executed at " + new Date());
log.info("Load Called");
} else {
log.debug("Load Not Called");
Either Yes or No is Clicked, it return 1 as int. Logs:
02-Oct-2016 23:59:31.725 FINE [http-nio-8080-exec-1] com.Controller.load Result: 1
02-Oct-2016 23:59:31.726 FINE [http-nio-8080-exec-1] com.Controller.load Load Not Called
02-Oct-2016 23:59:39.541 FINE [http-nio-8080-exec-6] com.Controller.load Result: 1
02-Oct-2016 23:59:39.542 FINE [http-nio-8080-exec-6] com.Controller.load Load Not Called
How to make it right?
Which version of ZK are you using?
The javadoc says :
@return the button being pressed (one of {@link #OK}, {@link #CANCEL}, {@link #YES}, {@link #NO}, {@link #ABORT}, {@link #RETRY}, and {@link #IGNORE}).
Note: if the event processing thread is disabled, it always returns {@link #OK}.
But if you check the documentation about the event processing thread, it says :
[Since ZK 7.0.0 deprecated to enable the event thread according to Java Servlet Specification that may prohibit the creation of new threads]
So should notify ZK to update its javadoc as if you are using ZK7 or 8 the method will always return 1 right away.
To answer your question, if you want to call specific action depending on which button is clicked:
@Listen("onClick = button#load")
public void load() {
Messagebox.show("Are you sure to execute Load?", "Execute?", Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO,
Messagebox.QUESTION, new EventListener<Event>() {
public void onEvent(final Event evt) throws InterruptedException {
if (Messagebox.ON_YES.equals(evt.getName())) {
// Code if yes clicked
} else {
// Code if no clicked