I've started to learn spark
and I wrote a pyspark
streaming program to read stock data (symbol, volume) from port 3333
Sample data streamed at 3333
I want to display the top 5 symbols based on volume
. So I used a mapper to read each line, then split it by comma
and reversed.
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
sc = SparkContext("local[2]", "NetworkWordCount")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 5)
lines = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 3333)
stocks = lines.map(lambda line: sorted(line.split(','), reverse=True))
Following is the output of stocks.pprint()
[u'111113', u'"AAC"']
[u'7451020', u'"ABT"']
[u'7325429', u'"ABBV"']
[u'318617', u'"ADPT"']
[u'1839122', u'"AET"']
[u'372777', u'"ALR"']
[u'4170581', u'"AGN"']
[u'3001798', u'"ABC"']
[u'1968246', u'"ANTM"']
I've got the following function in mind to display the stock symbols but not sure how to sort the stocks by key(volume
) and then limit the function to display only first 5 values.
def processStocks(stock):
for st in stock.collect():
print st[1]
Since stream represents an infinite sequence all you can do is sort each batch. First, you'll have to correctly parse the data:
lines = ssc.queueStream([sc.parallelize([
"AAC,111113", "ABT,7451020", "ABBV,7325429","ADPT,318617",
"AET,1839122", "ALR,372777", "AGN,4170581", "ABC,3001798",
def parse(line):
k, v = line.split(",")
yield (k, int(v))
except ValueError:
parsed = lines.flatMap(parse)
Next, sort each batch:
sorted_ = parsed.transform(
lambda rdd: rdd.sortBy(lambda x: x[1], ascending=False))
Finally, you can pprint
top elements:
If all went well you should get output like below:
Time: 2016-10-02 14:52:30
('ABT', 7451020)
('ABBV', 7325429)
('AGN', 4170581)
('ABC', 3001798)
('ANTM', 1968246)
Depending on the size of a batch full sort can be prohibitively expensive. In that case you can take top
and parallelize
sorted_ = parsed.transform(lambda rdd: rdd.ctx.parallelize(rdd.top(5)))
or even reduceByKey
from operator import itemgetter
import heapq
key = itemgetter(1)
def create_combiner(key=lambda x: x):
def _(x):
return [(key(x), x)]
return _
def merge_value(n=5, key=lambda x: x):
def _(acc, x):
heapq.heappush(acc, (key(x), x))
return heapq.nlargest(n, acc) if len(acc) > n else acc
return _
def merge_combiners(n=5):
def _(acc1, acc2):
merged = list(heapq.merge(acc1, acc2))
return heapq.nlargest(n, merged) if len(merged) > n else merged
return _
.map(lambda x: (None, x))
create_combiner(key=key), merge_value(key=key), merge_combiners())
.flatMap(lambda x: x[1]))