I've been trying to pattern for the case where a user types in an invalid directory:
# let dir = Unix.opendir "adfalf";;
Exception: Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "opendir", "adfalf").
My function is as follows:
let files_of_dir d =
let dir = Unix.opendir d in
Unix_error (uerr, ucommand, dir) -> raise Not_found
Except I keep getting the compilation error:
Error: This variant pattern is expected to have type exn
The constructor Unix_error does not belong to type exn
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong w/ the pattern matching. If anyone could help me on this it would be greatly appreciated!
Some Other Notes:
I've been compiling my code using the following command on terminal:
ocamlbuild filename.byte
You need to say Unix.Unix_error
, not just Unix_error
. Note that this is what appears in your sample session.