I'm trying to use the TeamSpeak SDK for a personal project in Qt, when I use this code in the main it works fine
It compiles without problem. The problem is when I use it in Qt Mainwindow:
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <teamspeak/public_definitions.h>
#include <teamspeak/public_errors.h>
#include <teamspeak/serverlib_publicdefinitions.h>
#include <teamspeak/serverlib.h>
namespace Ui {
class MainWindow;
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
void onClientConnected(uint64 serverID, anyID clientID, uint64 channelID, unsigned int* removeClientError);
ServerLibFunctions funcs; // it's a struct that have pointer fucntions
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
funcs.onClientConnected = onClientConnected; // error here
delete ui;
void MainWindow::onClientConnected(uint64 serverID, anyID clientID, uint64 channelID, unsigned int* removeClientError) {
char* clientName;
unsigned int error;
/* Query client nickname */
if ((error = ts3server_getClientVariableAsString(serverID, clientID, CLIENT_NICKNAME, &clientName)) != ERROR_ok) {
char* errormsg;
if (ts3server_getGlobalErrorMessage(error, &errormsg) == ERROR_ok) {
printf("Error querying client nickname: %s\n", errormsg);
printf("Client '%s' joined channel %llu on virtual server %llu\n", clientName, (unsigned long long) channelID, (unsigned long long)serverID);
/* Example: Kick clients with nickname "BlockMe from server */
if (!strcmp(clientName, "BlockMe")) {
printf("Blocking bad client!\n");
*removeClientError = ERROR_client_not_logged_in; /* Give a reason */
I've commented on the line I got the error in Mainwindow.cpp and the error:
cannot convert 'MainWindow::onClientConnected' from type 'void (MainWindow::)(uint64, anyID, uint64, unsigned int*) {aka void (MainWindow::)(long long unsigned int, short unsigned int, long long unsigned int, unsigned int*)}' to type 'void ()(uint64, anyID, uint64, unsigned int) {aka void ()(long long unsigned int, short unsigned int, long long unsigned int, unsigned int)}' funcs.onClientConnected = onClientConnected; ^
I am using Windows 10 Mingw compiler Qt 5.6.1
how can i use this call back fucntion in oop c++
I solve my problem to use TeamSpeak in Qt I initialize the server in the main.cpp and assign all call back functions in the struct and now I can use any function of the server in the main window for example if I want to show the channels in a text edit i use the function of it in any c++ class or Qt Dialog and I can call it without problems the code of the main.cpp
// put the fucntion of the call back here
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
char *version;
short abort = 0;
uint64 serverID;
unsigned int error;
int unknownInput = 0;
uint64* ids;
int i;
struct ServerLibFunctions funcs;
/* Initialize all callbacks with NULL */
memset(&funcs, 0, sizeof(struct ServerLibFunctions));
funcs.onClientConnected = onClientConnected;
funcs.onClientDisconnected = onClientDisconnected;
funcs.onClientMoved = onClientMoved;
funcs.onChannelCreated = onChannelCreated;
funcs.onChannelEdited = onChannelEdited;
funcs.onChannelDeleted = onChannelDeleted;
funcs.onServerTextMessageEvent = onServerTextMessageEvent;
funcs.onChannelTextMessageEvent = onChannelTextMessageEvent;
funcs.onUserLoggingMessageEvent = onUserLoggingMessageEvent;
funcs.onClientStartTalkingEvent = onClientStartTalkingEvent;
funcs.onClientStopTalkingEvent = onClientStopTalkingEvent;
funcs.onAccountingErrorEvent = onAccountingErrorEvent;
funcs.onCustomPacketEncryptEvent = nullptr;
funcs.onCustomPacketDecryptEvent = nullptr;
if((error = ts3server_initServerLib(&funcs, LogType_FILE | LogType_CONSOLE | LogType_USERLOGGING, NULL)) != ERROR_ok) {
char* errormsg;
if(ts3server_getGlobalErrorMessage(error, &errormsg) == ERROR_ok) {
printf("Error initialzing serverlib: %s\n", errormsg);
return 1;
MainWindow w;
return a.exec();
// use any function to edit server in any c++ class as show chan add chancel and so on
use all function to edit the server in any c++ class it will work and i think we don't need to initialize the server more than once in main and we don't need to but it in class and if I want to make a VoIP using Qt GUI we need only the server edit function if there's a better answer please post it Thanks
another solution is to initialize the struct with the call back functions in main and pass it in Mainwindow or any c++ class in the constructor and use it to initialize server lib of TeamSpeak