Right now my code looks like this:
function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Year');
data.addColumn('number', 'Revenue');
['', 0],
['2008', 123],
['2010', 213],
['2012', 654]
var options = {
hAxis: {textStyle:{color: '#FFF'}},
vAxis: { baseline:0, baselineColor: '#FFF', gridlineColor: '#FFF', textStyle:{color: '#FFF'} },
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
legend: { position: 'none' },
colors: ['#FFF'],
textStyle:{color: '#FFF'},
pointSize: 10,
series: {
0: { pointShape: 'star'}
animation: {startup: true, duration: 5000, easing: 'linear',}
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('curve_chart'));
chart.draw(data, options);
What I want is for my animation to incrementally reveal each row. How do I go about doing this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
the chart must be drawn for animation to occur
hold on to the data and only draw one row at a time
see following working snippet...
google.charts.load('current', {
callback: function () {
var rawData = [
[0, 0],
[1, 2],
[2, 1],
[3, 4],
[4, 2],
[5, 8],
[6, 3],
[7, 16],
[8, 4],
[9, 32]
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable({
"cols": [
var options = {
pointSize: 4,
startup: true,
duration: 600,
easing: 'in'
legend: 'none',
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: 0,
max: 9
vAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: 0,
max: 32
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
setInterval(drawChart, 1200);
var rowIndex = 0;
function drawChart() {
if (rowIndex < rawData.length) {
chart.draw(data, options);
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="chart_div"></div>
for smoother action, wait for the chart's 'ready'
event before drawing again.
see following working snippet...
google.charts.load('current', {
}).then(function () {
var rawData = [
[0, 0],
[1, 2],
[2, 1],
[3, 4],
[4, 2],
[5, 8],
[6, 3],
[7, 16],
[8, 4],
[9, 32]
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable({
"cols": [
var options = {
pointSize: 4,
startup: true,
duration: 600,
easing: 'in'
legend: 'none',
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: 0,
max: 9
vAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: 0,
max: 32
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'ready', function () {
var rowIndex = 0;
function drawChart() {
if (rowIndex < rawData.length) {
chart.draw(data, options);
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="chart_div"></div>