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How to check if a Bootstrap UI modal is open? - AngularJS

My application can open a modal if there's already one open. If that's the case I want to close that modal and open the new one after that's done.

Service to open modals:

app.service('ModalService', function($uibModal) { = function(size, template, content, backdrop, controller) {
    var modalInstance = ${
        animation: true,
        templateUrl: content,
        windowTemplateUrl: template,
        controller: controller,
        backdrop: backdrop,
        size: size,
        resolve: {}
    return modalInstance;

Then I open one with:

var m ='lg', '', 'ng-templates/modal.html', true, 'ModalController');

And I can close it with:


I can only use m.close() within the same switch/case as I open the modal. If I want to close it in another if statement later in the code m is undefined.

Anyway. Can I check if a modal is open? If I console.log(m) then there's this:

d.$$state.status = 1
d.$$state.value = true

But I cannot access the variable m elsewhere in my app so I cannot check for that.


  • Just add an flag or getter to your ModalService.

    app.service('ModalService', function($uibModal) {
    var open = false,
    this.isOpen = function () {
      return open;
    this.close = function (result) {
    this.dismiss = function (reason) {
    }; = function(size, template, content, backdrop, controller) {
        var modal = ${
            animation: true,
            templateUrl: content,
            windowTemplateUrl: template,
            controller: controller,
            backdrop: backdrop,
            size: size,
            resolve: {}
        //Set open
        open = true;
        //Set modalInstance
        modalInstance = modal;
        //Modal is closed/resolved/dismissed
        modal.result.finally(function () {
          open = false;
        return modal;

    You can then call: ModalService.isOpen() to check if your modal is opened.