In Extjs 6 how to assign a config property directly to a view either through binding or direct assignment?
Ext.define('App.view.main.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
config: {
btnLabel: 'MyButton'
items: [{
//here accessing this throws error, while loading this refers to windows object and not the class...
i can move the property to ViewModel and access it but my question is this, can't we assign the class level property to its child component?
Well, not like that you can't. The problem is that you're defining the items in the class prototype - which means you can't do anything specific to the instance there.
That's what initComponent
is for. I typically define my items
attribute there, expressly for this purpose:
Ext.define('App.view.main.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
config: {
btnLabel: 'MyButton'
initComponent: function() {
// The config properties have already been transferred to the instance
// during the class construction, prior to initComponent being called.
// That means we can now call this.getBtnLabel()
this.items = [
{ xtype: 'button',
text: this.getBtnLabel(),
// Call the parent function as well. NB: After this, items won't be
// a simple array anymore - it gets changed into a collection of
// components.
In general, be careful adding objects in as class level properties, as they will be properties on the prototype and shared amongst all instances of that class.