Search code examples

How do I get this VBA code to output to a specific number format?

This is from another answer I received a while back.

Turn a value range in a cell into a comma separated list

This code below is great stuff, but now I want it to also output each number with 4 digits. So if I get a return of 1,2,3, I want it to return as "0001,0002,0003".

Function NumRange(v)
Dim arrC, arr, x As Long, rv As String, sep As String, e

arrC = Split(v, ",")
rv = ""

For Each e In arrC
    If InStr(e, "-") Then
        arr = Split(e, "-")
        arr(0) = Trim(arr(0))
        arr(1) = Trim(arr(1))
        If IsNumeric(arr(0)) And IsNumeric(arr(1)) Then
            For x = CLng(arr(0)) To CLng(arr(1))
                rv = rv & sep & x
                sep = ","
            Next x
        End If
    ElseIf IsNumeric(e) Then
        rv = rv & sep & CLng(e)
        sep = ","
    End If
Next e
NumRange = rv
End Function


  • It's a little brute-force, but you could use a variant of this handy translation of the LPAD or PadLeft() function/method:

    Any method equivalent to PadLeft/PadRight?

    Function NumRange(v)
      Dim arrC, arr, x As Long, rv As String, sep As String, e
      arrC = Split(v, ",")
      rv = ""
      For Each e In arrC
        If InStr(e, "-") Then
            arr = Split(e, "-")
            arr(0) = Trim(arr(0))
            arr(1) = Trim(arr(1))
            If IsNumeric(arr(0)) And IsNumeric(arr(1)) Then
                For x = CLng(arr(0)) To CLng(arr(1))
                    rv = rv & sep & Right("0000" & x, 4)
                    sep = ","
                Next x
            End If
        ElseIf IsNumeric(e) Then
            rv = rv & sep & Right("0000" & e, 4)
            sep = ","
        End If
      Next e
      NumRange = rv
    End Function

    Now a cell that contains the formula:


    Will contain:
