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jenkins: clean unused workspaces

On our jenkins server we have workspace directories whose Jobs no longer exist. This takes up precious disk space.

How can I find out which directories are being used by existing Jobs from the others?

The only way I know it to manually look at the Job name. This is impossible to be done for all directories because we have hundreds of them.


  • Find out what's on the disk

    Find your jenkins home

    in Manage Jenkins -> Configure System,

    you can see your Home Directory of your jenkins server, say $JENKINS_HOME

    Have a look

    ssh in to your jenkins server,

    du -s $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/* | sort -nrk 1

    and you should have a list of most disk consuming projects, in decending order.

    Find out what's in use

    get a document describing your online jobs from jenkins REST service:[name] would be your jenkins server name.

    you will get somthing like


    All you have to do now is to compare these two lists to find out the wanted jobs.