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decltype(auto), trailing return type and sfinae: can we mix them?

Consider the following code:

auto f() -> decltype(auto) { /* do whatever you want here */ }
int main() { f(); }

The return type is deduced and decltype(auto) is used as trailing return type.
The code below is a slightly modified (actually, sfinae'd) version:

struct S { static void f() {} };
struct T {};

template<typename U>
auto f(int) -> decltype(U::f(), void()) {
    // do whatever you want here

auto f(char) -> decltype(auto) {
    // do whatever you want here

int main() {

If you take in exam this function:

template<typename U>
auto f(int) -> decltype(U::f(), void()) {
    // do whatever you want here

The question is: is it possible to use the trailing return type to do sfinae and still have the return type deduced?
I mean something like the code below (that doesn't work, of course):

template<typename U>
auto f(int) -> decltype(U::f(), auto) {
    // do whatever you want here

Note: I'm not looking for alternative approaches involving template parameters, I know them and I'm just curious to know if this is a viable solution.


  • decltype(auto) is an inseparable construct (almost as if it were a keyword like decltype_auto). Other than that, auto cannot be used as a standalone entity inside decltype(x), because that would prevent x from being a valid expression.