First off, I am not gonna deny that I am very new to promises and trying to get better at managing promises in my new Node.js app. I am using bluebird based on what I heard from friends and community. Here is a scenario:
The app has a sign up flow, a typical use case where in the following events have to occur in order to sign up a new user:
I do have 3 separate functions addressing each of the above steps.
Now here is what I have come up with using promises flow...but somehow am not convinced with the code below:
.then((successData) => {
if(successData && successData.length === 0) {
.then((successData) => {
.then((successData) => {
.catch((errorObj) => {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, null, errorObj));
.catch((errorObj) => {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, null, errorObj));
} else {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, [{
param: 'email',
msg: 'An account already exists with this email'
}], null));
.catch((errorObj) => {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, null, errorObj));
As you may see the code seems a bit too long and can become a bit tricky to track. Can some bluebird expert here help with with a better or more readable code?
You should make better use of chaining. Always return
promises from your functions that do something asynchronous.
user.isExistingUser(email).then(successData => {
if (successData && successData.length === 0) {
return user.signUp(signUpInfo).then(() => {
// ^^^^^^
return emailService.sendVerificationEmail(recipientInfo);
// ^^^^^^
}).then(successData => {
} else {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, [{
param: 'email',
msg: 'An account already exists with this email'
}], null));
}).catch(errorObj => {
res.json(responseUtility.getApiResponse(null, null, errorObj));