Here is the updated code, I got the string to be loaded up with the matches but now how do I match the strings with the second file.
The strings contain this for reference:
String 1
1913 2016 1 1913 186 2016 1711 32843 2016 518 3 1913 32843 32001 4 250 5 3500 6 7 8 27 73 9 10 1711 73 11 2 12 1913 19 1930 20 21 1947 22 1955 23 1961 23 1969 27 1995 26 27 1962 28 29 30 1970 31 31
String 2
1.4 33.75278 84.38611
And I need to see how many times each number matches with this string
1913 2016 32843 31 27 1.4 4 7 2 23
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner INPUT_TEXT = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Users\\josep\\OneDrive\\Classes\\Programming\\assignment3_1.txt"));
INPUT_TEXT.useDelimiter(" ");
int count = 0;
ArrayList<String> integerInFirstFile =new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> decimalsInFirstFile =new ArrayList<>();
while (INPUT_TEXT.hasNext()) {
String TempString = INPUT_TEXT.next();
String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");
String pattern1 = "[0-9]+\\.{1}[0-9]+";
Pattern r1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);
Matcher m1 = r1.matcher(temp1);
String pattern2 = "[0-9]+";
Pattern r2 = Pattern.compile(pattern2);
Matcher m2 = r2.matcher(temp1);
if (!(m1.find())) {
while (m2.find()) {
String number = m2.group(0);
if (count % 10 == 0) {
} else
System.out.print(number + " ");
} else {
String number = m1.group(0);
System.out.println("Next File");
if (count % 10 == 0) {
} else
System.out.print(number + " ");
Scanner INPUT_TEXT2 = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Users\\josep\\OneDrive\\Classes\\Programming\\assignment3_2.txt"));
INPUT_TEXT2.useDelimiter(" ");
System.out.println("Next File");
while (INPUT_TEXT2.hasNext()) {
String TempString1 = INPUT_TEXT2.next();
if (decimalsInFirstFile.equals(TempString1) || integerInFirstFile.equals(TempString1)) ;
The first file contains a bunch of text and numbers that why I had to use the matcher to remove the commas and other text. My question is how do I then match to the other text file and display how many times a number in the 2nd file appears in the first file. Do I use the match class or do I use .match nextLine or something similar. Also where is the best place to put in the code, I don't want to mess up the loops already in place.
Once you got one number, store it for a future use, don't just display it.
Scanner INPUT_TEXT = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Users\\josep\\Downloads\\assignment3_1.txt"));
INPUT_TEXT.useDelimiter(" ");
int count=0;
// ** Creating the storage for the numbers (as strings)
ArrayList<String> numbersInFirstFile=new ArrayList<>();
Then when you find one, store it:
String TempString=INPUT_TEXT.next();
String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");
// other things that are needed where here, put them back
while(m2.find( )) {
String number = m2.group(0);
// *********************************
// Hey, I found one, let's store it:
// Do the same in other places where you find numbers in the first file
As you now have the numbers in the first file, whenever you get a number from the second file, you have something to search into.