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ACM Library simple example not working with jdk 1.7.0_79

Hi All java Experts!

When I tried a little example of acm library

import acm.program.*;

class prog extends ConsoleProgram {

    public void run() {

        int number = readInt("?");

        println("You entered: " number);    



It compiled successfully. I used commandline like this:

javac -cp acm.jar;

java -cp acm.jar; prog

But I got this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: acm.util.DOSCommandLi
        at acm.util.DOSCommandLine.getLine(Native Method)
        at acm.util.DOSCommandLine.getCommandLine(
        at acm.util.JTFTools.getCommandLine(
        at acm.util.JTFTools.getMainClass(
        at acm.program.Program.main(

What does it mean... I think the JDK version problem.... however I am using JDK 'jdk1.7.0_79'

In my opinion It is throwing exception only for this JDK version. Request to try you and give feedback. Thanks...


  • Solved!

    It doesn't require any native library... What I had to do was to Use main entry as:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new prog().start(args);

    Adding after 'run' method it works now. Note: this line 'new prog().start(args);'

    This solution found here:

    Thanks Choppy

    But it took me considerable time Hushhhhh.....