I'd like to track my messages using built-in interface CorrelatedBy<TKey>
, but i didn't quite understand: should i initialize it myself, for example, in constructor of my message (command)?
public class RegisterCallback : IRegisterCallback
public RegisterCallback()
CorrelationId = Guid.NewGuid();
public Guid RequestId { get; set; }
public Guid CorrelationId { get; }
You should initialize it by either passing it into the constructor, or otherwise generating it as part of the constructor.
public RegisterCallback(Guid correlationId) {...}
Or you can generate it using NewId
to get an ordered identifier.
public RegisterCallback()
CorrelationId = NewId.NextGuid();
Also, your interface should include CorrelatedBy<Guid>
if you want to use the built-in support.
public interface IRegisterCallback :
CorrelatedBy<Guid> {...}