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Jump weekends function? Django/python

I need to jump Saturday and Sunday automatically everyday so I can do a count in of certain element from a model. This is an example of the table I need to create:

Date ------- Order Holds

Today ------ 45 (wednesday)

09/09/16 --- 34 (Thursday)

10/09/16 --- 23 (Friday)

-----JUMP WEEKEND --- (and keep count in)

13/09/16 --- 56 (Monday)

14/09/16 --- 14 (Tuesday)

This is how I filter to count the number of holds for today, and I can keep getting them by adding 1 day:

This is my model(

class Data(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
    ban = models.CharField(max_length=10)

This is part of my logic (

today =
tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)
orders = Data.objects.filter(date=today)
ban = orders.filter(ban__contains="BAN").count()

As you can see in my logic I can filter all the BAN status from today's date, after that I can count them with now issue. My problem is that I if I filter for tomorrow and tomorrow is Friday I need to jump Saturday and Sunday. In other words, apply that logic everyday by just jumping weekends.


  • You can find the weekday number for a datetime by calling its weekday() method. Once you have that value you can test it to see if its one of the days you're interested in:

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    DAYS_OF_INTEREST = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}  # Monday-Friday
    DELTA_ONE_DAY = timedelta(days=1)
    today =
    day = today
    for _ in range(14):  # next two weeks
        if day.weekday() in DAYS_OF_INTEREST:
            print(day.strftime(("%d/%m/%y --- %A")))
            #orders = Report.objects.filter(current_fcd_date=day)
            #hold = orders.filter(order_hold__contains="HOLD").count()
        day += DELTA_ONE_DAY


    27/09/16 --- Tuesday
    28/09/16 --- Wednesday
    29/09/16 --- Thursday
    30/09/16 --- Friday
    03/10/16 --- Monday
    04/10/16 --- Tuesday
    05/10/16 --- Wednesday
    06/10/16 --- Thursday
    07/10/16 --- Friday
    10/10/16 --- Monday