I've been using Eclipse Neon (4.6.0) which only supports C/C++ by default. Now that I need to program in Java, I want to integrate Java to the IDE I'm using. So I went to install the "Eclipse JDT Plug-in Developer Resources" Java plugin, including "Eclipse Java Development Tools."
But then, I have the JDK and JRE installed from Oracle very much prior to this day. Now I wonder...
Clear and concise answers are very much appreciated.
TL;DR: Yes, you need the JDT plugin with your JDK
Long answer
There is no such thing as an Eclipse JDK, (albeit the SDK used for creating plugins but that's not what you want)
Eclipse needs at a minimum, the JRE to run itself. If you need to program in Java, you install the JDK.
As for the Eclipse JDT plugin, it is needed for making Eclipse ready for Java development (necessary things like the Java perspective for example)