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Breaking encapsulation and information hiding in Java

Consider the following snippet.

package breakoop;

public class BreakOOP {

    public static class A{
        private int a;

    public static class B extends A{
        public int f(){
            return super.a;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        B b = new B();

The example only compiles if A and B are encapsulated within the BreakOOP class.

This seems to go against some of the fundamental concepts of OOP. Can someone explain why this compiles? What is the reasoning behind it?


  • Check this: It says it increases encapsulation by allowing the static class to access private members of the top level class (sometimes you may need to do that). And a is private member of class A, which is in the scope of BreakOOP, which in turn makes it accessible inside class B.