I'm looking to write a migration string to add a new string to the enum column type. I'm trying to add gamma
to the service
I tried with this code below. This collides because the table and the column already exists.
const table = 'user_associations'
export function up (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable()
export function down (knex, Promise) {
return knex.schema.table(table, function (table) {
table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable()
const tableName = 'user_associations'
export function up (knex, Promise) {
let existRows;
return knex.select()
.then((rows) => {
existRows = rows
return knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.dropColumn('service'))
.then(() => knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']).notNullable().default('alpha')))
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(existRows.map((row) => {
return knex(tableName)
.update({ service: row.service })
.where('id', row.id)
export default down(kenx, Promise) {
let existRows;
return kenx.select()
.then((rows) => {
existRows = rows
return knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.dropColumn('service'))
.then(() => knex.schema.table(tableName, (table) => table.enu('service', ['alpha', 'beta']).notNullable().default('alpha')))
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(existRows.map((row) => {
return knex(tableName)
.update({ service: row.service === 'gamma' ? 'alpha' : row.service })
.where('id', row.id)