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Twitter API not returning images

If I just do a simple twitter API request for the following tweet, it should have multiple images attached to it, but it returns nothing in the media entity object

This is the request I am doing:

And here's my entities object:

  :hashtags=>[{:text=>"rescue", :indices=>[17, 24]}, {:text=>"SAR", :indices=>[110, 114]}], 
    {:screen_name=>"Ravensoars", :name=>"Jim", :id=>2568464354, :id_str=>"2568464354", :indices=>[38, 49]}, 
    {:screen_name=>"CoquitlamSAR", :name=>"Coquitlam SAR", :id=>203212566, :id_str=>"203212566", :indices=>[54, 67]}
  :urls=>[{:url=>"SHORTENED_URL", :expanded_url=>"", :display_url=>"…", :indices=>[116, 139]}]

No images, or even a media key, despite there being several when you view the tweet directly.

Any way to get those images?


  • Look like twitter updated their API last week. Needed to add tweet_mode: 'extended' to my calls.