In MongoDB I have an update query that works:
"_id" : ObjectId("..."),
"Comments.Reference" : 123
$push :
"Comments.$.Notes": { Text: "Some description here" }
This finds the Post document with the matching Id, and to the Comments object with the matching reference in that array, it will push a new object into the Notes array within it.
However, as I am using C# and the driver, I wanted to see if it was possible to create this with LINQ.
Where I am falling down is creating an update query that translates to creating the $ positional operator.
IMongoUpdate update = Update<Post>.Push(t => t.Comments.First().Notes,
BsonDocument.Parse("{ Text: \"Test\"}");
I put the First() as a first guess and to get it to compile, however it throws an error to say that it can't serialize it.
Is it possible to recreate this, or will I just have to revert to using a string query of "Comments.$.Notes" instead?
Edit: Just to update, this is what works, but provides no type safety:
IMongoUpdate update = Update.Push("Comments.$.Notes",
BsonDocument.Parse("{ Text: \"Test\"}");
This functionality has been added:
To copy directly from the jira case:
Builders<Entity>.Update.Set(x => x.MyArray[-1].Value, 10);
will yield
{ $set: { "MyArray.$.Value", 10 } }