I have the following AngularJS template.
<td ng-if="condition1">
Hello World
<td ng-if="condition2">
A <a ui-sref="mystate1({a: 1, b: 2})"></a>
<td ng-if="condition3">
B <a ui-sref="mystate1({a: 1, b: 2})"></a>
Can I simplify or clean-up or combine these three ng-if
, condition2
and condition3
are mutually exclusive. However, they are not based off a single expression so a switch statement won't work? Can I use an if-then-else construct?
If they are mutually exclusive, then yes, you can simplify condition2 and condition3 and only use one condition for both (since the output is the same).
EDIT: Based on your update, you could simplify the logic like this:
<td ng-if="condition1">
Hello World
<td ng-if="condition2 || condition3">
{{condition2 ? 'A' : 'B'}}
<a ui-sref="mystate1({a: 1, b: 2})"></a>
Or you could also use ng-switch.