I have a requirement to run my application in chrome kiosk mode, its working fine in normal mode. But when I start kiosk mode app using localhost URL or IIS server URL (Windows), it does not works properly.
A java-script code is unable to run in kiosk mode. I am trying using the following line of code:
try {
} catch (e) {
PhoneDialing("Error: " + e);
From this call I am unable to get this function call from third party APIs. I am sure about this APIs are working when I hosted my code on IIS. I hope anyone must have an experience on same.
If you want to see the errors, you can post the error in server but with kiosk it might be hard to open console
with the virtual keyboard.
You can try
window.onerror = function(message, url, lineNumber) {
//save error and send to server for example.
return true;