I have the TreeMenu with some nodes:
text: 'Test',
leaf: true
I attached a listener on the TreeMenu:
listeners: {
contextmenu: function(node, event) {
But I don't know how to change the node:
// HTML don't changed
node.text = 'my value';
// Uncaught TypeError: node.reload is not a function
I decided in this way:
node.setText('my value');
The tree has to have some kind of store / root (NodeInterface). All you have to do is to change the value in the store / root and the tree will be automatically changed.
You should never use node.text = 'my value'
because in most cases it won't be just simple object. You should use node.set('text', 'My Text');
The handler function for change could look something like this:
handler: function() {
var tree = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('treepanel')[0];
var child = tree.getRootNode().getChildAt(0);
child.set('text', 'Chaned text');
Check this fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/1hc1
I am not sure which exact version of ExtJS are you using? Ext 3 ? More or less the concept should be the same over all Ext versions.