First I used to decompile my apk and I found what I wanted to modify, but I couldn't find an easy way to recompile the apk after the modifications. So I used apktool to decompile my apk because it has a handy build feature.
The problem is once I decompiled instead of getting .java files, I got a lot of .so files. How can I further decompile these .so files, or perhaps how can I recompile an apk from the website I used?
Or perhaps a better method to decompile, modify, and recompile.
You can use Apktool to Decompile your apk. Then modify codes in ClassName.smali You can recompile the modified files to apk using apktool. (Note : Need to sign the apk so that it will be installed on the device).
->But upto my knowledge till there is no decompiler to decompile .so files.