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is there anyway to find the ad loading time using javascript

I am working an project where i need the starting time when an ad request made and end time when ad is completely loaded. So that i can compute latency time for ad. I am using google dfp and doubleclick.

UPDATE: i don't want to call my website from external library like Phantomjs . I want some javascript solution so that i can edit my js files and get the latency time for ad loading. Thanx


  • Could you get the current time right before you send the request and the current time right after you finish loading it and subtract those times?

    var timeAfter;
    var timeBefore = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
    //make requests //
    function callBack(){
        // Completely load ad//
        timeAfter = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
    var latency = timeAfter - timeBefore;

    That's in seconds, but you can play with the math and get milliseconds.