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Combine Apache Camel CSV with the splitter pattern

I have a large CSV file that I want to proccess with a rate limit. The Splitter Pattern provides exactly what I'm looking for except I can't quite figure out how out how to combine it with the CSV Component.

From the splitter documentation you can handle CSV's like:

  .split().tokenize("\n", 1000).streaming()

But idealy I'd like to make use of the Apache Camel CSV component to handle the mash do something more like:

    .bean(new ValidateProcess(), "validate")

I know the code above is completely wrong but hopefully it conveys what I'm trying to achieve. Would this be at all feasible?


  • So for some reason I couldn't figure this out earlier, I think I was having issue with my classpath not picking up the dependency on org.apache.camel:camel-csv. Once I sorted that out everything was fine.

    Here's what I ended up with:

    final CsvDataFormat csv = new CsvDataFormat(";");
                        .bean(validator, "validateNumber")
                        .throttle(tps).bean(validator, "validate")

    Basicaly I wanted to stream process a CSV containing numbers against an API which is rate limited at 50 TPS and output the result to csv file.