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How use bytebuddy to detect unreachable code?

I am struggling here with ASM to create a visitor that can remove unreachable code. For now, the code is the same as provided in ASM 4.0 Guide, that is:

public class RemoveDeadCodeAdapter extends MethodVisitor {
  String owner;
  MethodVisitor next;
  public RemoveDeadCodeAdapter(String owner, int access, String name,
      String desc, MethodVisitor mv) {
    super(Opcodes.ASM4, new MethodNode(access, name, desc, null, null));
    this.owner = owner;
    next = mv;
  @Override public void visitEnd() {
    MethodNode mn = (MethodNode) mv;
    Analyzer<BasicValue> a =
        new Analyzer<BasicValue>(new BasicInterpreter());
    try {
      a.analyze(owner, mn);
      Frame<BasicValue>[] frames = a.getFrames();
      AbstractInsnNode[] insns = mn.instructions.toArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i) {
        if (frames[i] == null && !(insns[i] instanceof LabelNode)) {
    } catch (AnalyzerException ignored) {

So, the question is: is there any way to achieve this with Bytebuddy? Because Bytebuddy seems to be pretty easy to work. If yes, could anybody tell me what would be the process?


  • Byte Buddy is no code analysis tool, it is intended for code generation based on a class's API, i.e. it operates based on fields and methods. For deleting dead code, you should find a static tool or a code coverage agent for doing so.