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how the weld container service for application in java se environment?

I am a novice in weld, and through several days exploration but I only know some fundamental concept of weld.

I'm intended to use weld container in java se environment. And follw What is the easiest way to have CDI and JPA in Java SE? my code segment is below:

public class SayHello {
    public SayHello(){}
       public void sayHello(){

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class UseInject {
    private SayHello obj;
    public UseInject(){}

    public UseInject(SayHello obj){
        this.obj = obj;

    public void show(){

    public static void main(String[] args){
         Weld weld = new Weld();
         WeldContainer container = weld.initialize();
         UseInject ui = container.instance().select(UseInject.class).get();;

and my application is based on maven. Here is the jar dependency segment in pom.xml


my intention is inject SayHello object into UseInject Object so the final output of this application is "Hello". But things are not so smooth, the jvm report the follow error:

enter image description here

and through search from internet,there is a saying that build a empty beans.xml is ok, and I follow it can't make effect. And as for the main method I imitate What is the easiest way to have CDI and JPA in Java SE? I don't know what thing it do, and What is the easiest way to have CDI and JPA in Java SE? use the @Produces annotation, I don't know whether I should use it too. And I had intended use it for the SayHello Class, but I don't know which jar should I import in order to use it,so I give up.

Now I want to: 1. know how the weld service for se application in other words what things the main method does?

2. How can I run my application successfully using weld?

3. when we should use the annotation @Produces

And I made reference to a number of relevant issues e.g.weld and java seHow to bootstrap weld-se in a JUnit testetc. but find they are all to senior for me. thanks for your attention advance.


    1. How can I run my application successfully using weld?

    The error message is telling you that you have to create a file named beans.xml under the directory META-INF. So to solve the problem just do the following:

    1. Directory named META-INF under src/main/resources directory
    2. Create an empty file named beans.xml under META-INF so that your project is CDI enabled.
    1. when we should use the annotation @Produces

    You use this annotation if you want to use any Java primitive types such as Integer, String, ... as CDI beans, or any type / class in an external library which does not contain the META-INF/beans.xml file in the classpath.


    public class SayHello {
        private double pi = 3.14159;
        // the rest of the code

    and you can inject the value of PI in another place in your code as:

    public class UseInject {
        private double pi;  // 3.14159 will be injected here
        // the rest of the code
        public static void main(...) {
            // ....
            UseInject ui = container.instance().select(UseInject.class).get();
            // ...

    The value 3.14159 should be displayed on the console.